Staying in touch with your network is critical to be able to manage and operate it.
You need to have an overview of the status of your chargers. How many are charging right now… How many are faulty… or how many are just idling?
And the ones that are indeed charging: How much power is flowing through… how long have they been charging… and how much electricity has been delivered?
Not only that. You need valuable context about who is charging and where… and what is the state of charge of the battery on the EV currently connected?
On the Connectors page, you can get that exact overview.
Explanation of each column
There is a lot of valuable data and contextual information on the page. Let’s take a look:
- EVSE ID: Contains the ID of each connector in your network including the icon type (e.g. “CCS”)
- Location/Customer: Contains the location name and the customer owning that location where the connector is placed.
- User: Contains the authorization tag label that initiated the charging session including the charge key comment if the session was initiated by a charge key (e.g. “DK.SPI.001234 - Fleet Car #10”)
- App payment: SpiriiGo-custId-123456
- RFID key: DK.SPI.0012345
- Virtual key: DK.SPI.V0012345
- App without payment method: Charging at home
- No authentication: NoUID
- CCV terminal: CreditCard
- Status/Duration: Contains the current live status of the connector including how long the connector has been in that status.
- SOC: Contains the State of Charge (battery percentage) of the EV currently connected.
💡SoC (State of Charge) is only available on some DC chargers 💡
- Session: Contains the consumption (how much kWh has been delivered in the current session) on top and the live power level in kW below (how much power is being delivered in the current session).
- Info: Contains the error code and any information sent by the charger via OCPP. This could be a more detailed error message or information like “weak signal”.
Filters available:
- Location (multi-select)
- Connector type (single-select)
Actions available
You can also manage your charger directly from the page.
In the menu to the right, you have access to all of your usual commands for both the charge box and the individual connector.