As a charge point operator and/or owner with a white-labelled Go app, you’ll be able to access a range of app user details within the Connect Portal.
Click App Users in the menu on the left to see a list of all existing app users.
Search for a specific user by entering any known details ( name, email, etc.) in the Search User field.
Click on the app user to see their details.
Available app user information
- Information dashboard – including their name, email, phone number, customer ID and date of account creation.
- Sites – whether or not the user has a home charger.
- Charging Keys – the user’s physical or virtual charging keys.
- Credit Cards – the user’s credit card(s) used in the app.
- Vouchers – any vouchers connected to the user’s account.
- Charge Records – charging sessions made by the user, including time, duration, kWh consumed, price, site, and more.